Coordinate the implementation of the necessary measures to ensure that employers and self – employed (if applicable) the principles set out in Art. 56 of GD 300/2006, in a responsible and coherent plan and implement health and safety at work referred to in art. 54 lit. b) the GD 300/2006;
Coordinate the general principles of prevention and safety when choosing technical and / or organizational measures in order to plan the various items or stages of work which takes place on site and the estimated time required to achieve them;
Adapt or require any adjustments achieving safety and health plan referred to in art work. 54 lit. b) of GD 300/2006 and subsequent interventions file referred to in art. 54 lit. c) of GD 300/2006, depending on the evolution of the work and any changes that occur;
To organize cooperation between employers and coordinate their activities, regarding workers protection, accident prevention and occupational risks that may affect the health of workers, mutual information and informing workers and their representatives and informing workers Independence (if applicable);
Open a registry to coordinate and complete it, being obliged to submit the request to the beneficiary, project managers, labor inspectors and sanitary inspectors;
Prepare security plan and health at work, in collaboration with the designer / manager work;
Keep records for five years coordination of final acceptance of the works;
To coordinate activities aimed at the correct application of work instructions and work safety;
Take measures to ensure that only authorized personnel have access to the site;
Establish, in collaboration with the project manager and entrepreneur, general measures applicable to the site;
Take into account all interference activities of the site area or neighborhood;
Establish, together with the contractor, the obligations for the use of collective protection, material handling tasks and access the site;
To conduct joint visits the site every contractor or subcontractor, before they draw up their own plan of safety and health at work;
Endorse plans for health and safety at work developed by entrepreneurs and their modifications;
Prepare and complete file subsequent interventions and perform any modifications required by the beneficiary;
To submit the beneficiary based protocol, subsequent interventions file after final acceptance of the work;
Inform the beneficiary in due course propose and take action to comply with legislative regulations on safety and health at work; Keep records of all events, dangerous incidents, accidents and minor accidents sis to propose appropriate prevention measures.